Friday, July 25, 2008

Our Lady of Iwo Jima

The great thing about history and religion is the fashion fodder, evidently... 

Even if your country did get nuked six months after your sweat shirt.
As if it wasn't odd enough that this guy was taking pictures of  these guys (more on them later). 

I suppose misinterpreted English phrases mixed with confusing iconography on your shirt is better than having misinterpreted Kanji tattooed on your neck. 

They really are  gems in a very crowded place, though and I've come to appreciate them. 

Trying to figure out what the hell a shirt or jacket means can put your mind into a logic tailspin. I spent  a ridiculous amount of time thinking about and searching the Web for what this dude's jacket could possibly be aluding. I'm thinking he's not a fan of WHDM radio, East Central Indiana's country hits. 

I think it's a scooter club as I saw another guy on a scooter with the same jacket (may have been the same dude though.)

Then there are the Shibuya girls with "I Heart Weiners," and "Take a Number"  T-shirts. While much less perplexing,  they're fun all the same. 

And some times they just remind you of home.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What's a Mellon Worth?

Depends if it's square or seedless.

We found this little beauty for 15,000 yen ($150) in Shinjuku. 

 Maybe a square mellon is novel enough to shell out that kind of money for,
  but these 31,000 yen ($310) cantaloupe must be perfect
 in a way I'll never bring myself to know.

Couldn't be positive, but babel fish Sandra tells me the difference between seeds or seedless will cost you  about 50 bucks.  These were in the basement of my office building. OISHI!